特別邀請到 MathWorks資深工程師、國內業界與學界MATLAB資深使用者、鈦思科技專業工程師,以及MATLAB & Simulink技術與應用文章徵文比賽入圍者,與您分享使用MATLAB & Simulink的研發成果與經驗,和最新技術趨勢與應用。
MathWorks Speaker
Dr. Giorgia Zucchelli, MathWorks
Giorgia Zucchelli目前為MathWorks公司RF及混合訊號產品行銷經理。於2009年至2012年11月期間擔任MathWorks應用工程師一職,主要負責訊號處理和通訊系統設計,專長是類比模擬。在加入MathWorks之前,Giorgia任職於恩智浦半導體 (NXP Semiconductors )約2年時間,主要負責混合訊號系統之驗證技術;在這之前, Giorgia 在菲利浦研究中心(Philips Research)負責開發創新通信系統的系統層級模擬。Giorgia於1999年獲得義大利波隆那大學電子工程碩士學位,隨後獲得電子通訊博士學位。博士論文為高頻射頻裝置之建模與應用。
Dr. Giorgia Zucchelli joined MathWorks in 2009 as an application engineer with focus on signal processing and communications systems and specialization in analog simulation. Starting from November 2012 she covers the role of product marketing manager for RF and mixed-signal. Before joining MathWorks, Giorgia worked for two years at NXP Semiconductors on mixed-signal verification methodologies. Before then, she worked for Philips Research where she contributed to the development of system-level models for innovative telecommunication systems. Giorgia got her master degree in Electronic Engineering in 1999, followed by a doctorate in Electronic for Telecommunications at the University of Bologna. Her thesis dealt with modeling high-frequency RF devices.

Sumit Tandon, MathWorks
Sumit has a BE and MS degree in Electrical Engineering with a focus on computer vision, computer graphics and embedded systems. While in graduate school, he worked in the Virtual Environment Laboratory at University of Texas at Arlington and was involved in research and development of new technologies for performing cancer biopsy. Sumit joined MathWorks in 2007 as part of Engineering Development Group, and then transferred to Application Engineering. At MathWorks, Sumit has worked on supporting and evangelizing the use of MathWorks' products both in the industry and academia. His interests include data analysis, parallel computing, automatic code generation and embedded systems.

TeraSoft Speaker
Jerry Tung, TeraSoft
Jerry Tung 鈦思科技工程暨業務部經理,於控制及數位訊號處理等應用領域的嵌入式 / PC-Based 系統研發有十分豐富的經驗。在加入鈦思科技之前,曾服務於工業技術研究院的動力機械控制部門,除擔任研究員一職並同時參與摩托車引擎控制器研發的專案研究。
Claire Chuang, TeraSoft
Claire Chuang 為鈦思科技應用工程師,研究所時期主修人工智慧,熟悉基因演算法、類神經網路、Fuzzy 專家系統等領域。目前負責 MATLAB於財金領域之應用、MATLAB專任講師以及平行運算, MATLAB與其他語言整合之技術支援。
Judy Yang, TeraSoft
Judy Yang 為鈦思科技應用工程師,主要負責醫學訊號處理、影像處理、統計分析、平行運算、MATLAB與其他程式語言整合等技術支援。
Kary Chang, TeraSoft
Kary Chang 目前任職於鈦思科技應用工程師,擔任MATLAB專任講師與負責產品技術支援,主要負責自動控制系統、嵌入式系統、AUTOMOTIVE、PLC等技術支援。曾任職於亞崴機電及敦揚科技,熟悉工具機及工業用控制器與PLC撰寫,並在敦揚科技時參與電動車開發專案,協助開發馬達控制器。
Phoebe Li, TeraSoft
Phoebe Li為鈦思科技應用工程師,負責訊號處理及通訊的產品。加入鈦思科技前曾任職於聯發科技,負責BD光碟機伺服控制之韌體開發。
Charles Su, TeraSoft
Charles Su為鈦思科技應用工程師,負責訊號處理、數位電路及通訊相關產品之技術支援,主要研究領域為被動雷達、通道估測、LTE-A Resource allocation。
Guest Speaker
張智星, 台灣大學 / 資訊工程學系教授
張智星博士現任台大資工系教授,專精於語音辨識、音樂檢索,以及相關的機器學習與樣式辨認技術。他畢業於美國加州大學柏克萊分校,並曾任職於MATLAB美國總公司和清大資工系教授,長年耕耘於音訊與音樂辨識技術,並將開發成果授權予國內外多家公司,產學合作績效顯著。張老師已發表120餘篇論文,Google citations 超過 15000,相關資歷及開發成果可見 "http://mirlab.org/jang"。
杜佳穎, 國立清華大學 / 動力機械系 助理教授
Dr. Jia-Ying Tu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University. She received the B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2004, and received the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Bristol, UK, in 2010. Her current research work focuses on adaptive and optimal control, substructurability theory, dynamic testing techniques, nonlinear dynamics, real-time control systems, and gyro vehicle systems.
鄧俊宏, 元智大學 / 通訊工程學系 副教授
Juinn-Horng Deng received the Ph.D. degree in Commun. Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, R.O.C. in 2003. From 2003 to 2008, he was in the Electronic System Research Department at Chung Shan Institute of Science Technology, Taiwan, R.O.C.. In 2008, he joined the Faculty of Yuan Ze University, Chungli City, Taiwan, where he currently is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communications Engineering. From July to September 2010, he had been invited to join the Hawaii Center for Advanced Communications (HCAC), College of Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, as a visiting research scholar doing research on hybrid smart antennas for wireless communications. His research interests include smart antennas, transceiver design, communication signal processing, communication circuit design, and MIMO techniques for wireless communications. Dr. Deng has published over 60 papers and holds six US patents. He is a member of IEEE and IEICE.